Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Penso di giocare a golf...

Hey y'all. I'm gonna do my BFA show with the rest of the fellas, so if you wanna drop in a take a look-seee, feel free. It's somewhat pathetic. I only have 4 done of the 6, and only 3 framed, but I guess I have to show so I can graduate. I do have to admit, it's nice seeing em framed, I just wish I were done and able to do my own show like the rest of yas. Maybe one of these days I'll do a one man show at Thanksgiving Pt. Until then, drop down to the HFAC if you have a chance and sign my book. OH... Studenti miei, se venite alla mostra, vi do un credito per un evento culturale. Che ne pensate! Dovete pero' scrivere un riassunto come sempre!

Happy Golfing


Anonymous said...

very beautiful tyler, good job

Ken Chandler said...

This looks terrific Ty, much better than I remember it-- once upon a time. Where's your show gonna be? When?