Thursday, October 16, 2008

Facebook, or blog?

I'm kind of at a loss... I mean. I want to stay in touch with the rest of the world, especially since I live on the other side...but now that I post pics on facebook, and go as far as to show art there as well, I mean.. do I really blog, or facebook?

It's so hard to make these life changing decisions. I think it's somewhat redudant to have

both of them... It's like having way too many email addresses, and deciding which one to use...

Sometimes I'm a little stressed with the thought that I have to use both, so I just sit in piazza's like this and wonder.... blog? facebook? blog? any case, for all of you that bother visiting my blog... you'll see a new post....for all of you that don't even read'll end up seeing my status on facebook....and for everyone else who happen upon either, you won't even know you're missing the other half. As for blog readers, if you had any sense at all, you would leave my utterly boring blog and check out the blog by Jon Hintze. Because his is actually worth reading. We can all just read his blogs and pee our pants in laughter...and feel much better about our life, and have a new, defining sense of self.... with wet pants....