Monday, June 18, 2007


Here's the mural. It's actually not a "mural", maybe to the chagrin of Emmalee. It's more of a montage of Book of Mormon stories I'm doin for a friend of mine. Supposedly it'll end up being an advent calender reading chart thingamugigger. It was fun to do. I even whipped out the colored pencils for this one. I'm somewhat pleased with it. I enjoyed posing, as demonstrated before.
Yes. That IS reformed egyptian superimposed into the border...heeheheh. I pulled out all the stops.


K Cummings said...

Wow Tyler, that looks awesome! I can't believe how many scenes are in there. Nice Job! You'll have to let me know where I can get it when it's published.

E Powell said...

way cool Tyler- I think I found your pose of you as Samuel the Lamanite in it:) Tons of details! How large is it?

bec said...

your artwork is looking so good Tyler!


Nice work, hotshot. I'm thinking of going to that music fest with Toad, are you going? Email me at

Ken Chandler said...

Great work Ty! This must have taken a long time to put together. I was worth it. The end result is fab! Merry Christmas. :)

BB said...

I love it! Hopefully we'll get it published soon.

Anonymous said...

nice tyler:) manchess would be proud of the composition:)

Rob said...

Wow Tyler, you're amazing. Great work. I'm so glad you're book of Mormon characters don't look like they've been working out for hours and using steroids since their early teens.

jonhintze said...

tyler, we're comming up on a year, maybe it's time for a new post...

heather said...

Hey it's Heather...your cousin! I had no idea you were in Italy. Nice family updates I've been getting! I'm not sure I even knew you were an artist but oh my heck--this stuff is amazing! Did you really do all of this by hand? I want to come to Italy and visit! I love the picture of you pondering facebook and blogs in the piazza. So beautiful! Be safe and maybe we get to see you at Christmas?